Jamun Churna (Powder)

Jamun is indigenous to India. Jamun is a useful tree .

Jamun is useful in heart and liver troubles. The seeds of jamun is effective

for sugar control. Jamun fruits are a good source of vitamins and iron.

Benefit Of Jamun Churna 

Rich in vitamin A and C
Very good to control high sugar·
Beneficial in the cure of diarrhea and dysentery.
Strengthens teeth, gums and good in gingivitis.
Has a soothing and cooling effect.
Helps in the proper functioning of the digestive system.
Good for sore throat, blood impurities, and ulcers.
Useful in liver and spleen disorders.

Controls Bedwetting and excessive urination in adults.

Dosage: spoons Twice a day.Packing Size 100 gm
